Different type of control position settings | WP Maps Pro

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Different type of control position settings on Google Maps

Google Maps has controls like zoom control, Street View Control, Full-Screen Control, Map Type Control, etc. Most of the control options contain a position property (of type ControlPosition) which indicates where on the map to place the control. Using the WP MAPS PRO plugin, users can easily change the control positions using the below steps.

Control Position Settings

Step 1 Go to Add Map or Manage Maps > Edit Map and scroll down to the Control Position Setting section.

Step 2 Arrange the Control positions you want on the map.

Control Postion Setting WP maps pro

  • Zoom Control: select the position of zoom control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Zoom Control Style: select a style of zoom control like large and small.
  • Map Type Control: select the position of map type control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Map Type Control Style: select a style of map type control like the Horizontal and Dropdown menu.
  • Full Screen Control: select the position of full-screen control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Street View Control: select the position of street view control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.

Step 3 Click Save Map and see the changes.

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