How to display custom controls in Google Maps | WP Maps PRO

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How to display custom controls in Google Maps

We’ve introduce display custom control functionality in Google Map Pro Version 4.0.0. Now you can display any custom control text or html that you want to display in your google map. You can also set the position of custom control on map.

Display Custom Control In Google Map

Step 1 Go to Add Map or Edit Map Page.

Step 2 Scroll down page and point to ‘Custom Control(s) Settings’ section.

Step 3 To apply custom control, Turn On Custom Control box.

Step 4 Then Paste HTML or text that you want to show on map and select custom control position.

How to display custom controls in Google Maps

Step 5 Click to save map, and open it in browser.You’ll see applied custom control display in your selected position.

Display custom control in google map Wpmapspro

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