How to create extra field & display it on maps | WP Maps PRO

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How to create extra fields and display it on a Google Maps infowindow

This WP MAPS PRO plugin allows adding extra fields to a location, e.g website, phone, email, etc, besides basic information like title, city, state, longitude, and latitude. These extra fields can be displayed in Infowindow or Listing below Google Maps using placeholders. This plugin allows you to create unlimited extra fields and display them in the infowindow.

Manage Extra Fields

Step 1 Go to Plugin Settings page of WP MAPS PRO and scroll down to the Create Extra Fields section.

Step 2 Add extra fields like Phone, website etc and Click Save Setting.

How to create extra fields and display it on a map info window Wpmapspro

Step 3 Go to Add or Edit Location page and add information in the Extra Fields Values section.

 How to create extra fields and display it on a map info window

Step 4 Then click Save Location.

Step 5 After adding extra fields in location, Go to Add or Edit Map page and scroll down to Infowindow Message for Locations section and use placeholders in the editor input field.

Each extra field will have a unique placeholder. e.g, You can use an extra field as a placeholder like {phone}, {website}, etc. click on the Show Placeholder button to show all available placeholders.

Location Infowindow Wpmapspro

Step 6 Click Save Map and extra fields will be displayed in the infowindow message :

Extra Fields Infowindow

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