Fano Listing skins are a convenient way to make your info windows distinguishable. These skins have a multitude of appearances and can be quickly implemented in different locations. With this, you have options when it comes to the design of your info windows, making it look unique and customized to your preference.
Fano Listing Skin is a feature in Google Maps that allows content such as text or images to be shown in a popup window above the map. This type of feature is known as an InfoWindow skin, and it can be seen when viewing the map on the frontend of a website. For example, if you were to open Google Maps on a website, you may see this type of skin being used.
Maps Example
Related Examples:
- Restaurants Listing Solution for Google Maps
- Advanced search on markers listing in Google Maps
- Universities Listing
- Show Listing below google maps
- Acerra Infowindow Skin