How to Display Route tab in Tabs setting | WP Maps Pro

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How to display Multiple Routes On Same Map

With the help of the WP MAPS PRO plugin, you can display not one, instead multiple routes on your map. To add a route tab in the map, please do with following steps:

Step 1 Go to WP MAPS PRO > Add MAP or WP MAPS PRO > MANAGE MAPS > Edit screen.

Step 2 Then scroll down to the Route Direction Settings section. Here you will see a list of all the routes that you have created with our plugin. You can choose and assign as may routes as you want on the current map.

Route Direction Wpmapspro

Step 4 Scroll down a bit, click on Save Map button & open the page that contains the map shortcode.

You’ll see the all the routes that you assigned are displaying on the map.

Display Route tab

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