How to include your KMl/Kmz file in your map | WP Maps Pro

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How to include your KMl/Kmz file in your Google Maps

KML layers on Google Map displays the geographic information given by the KML link that you enter while creating the map in the wordpress plugin. The WP MAPS PRO plugin features with implementing KML layer over the map. The information associated with the layer pops up when you click on the layer.

Include Kml/Kmz file

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map page and scroll down to ‘Layers Settings’ section.

Step 2 Mark checked Kml/Kmz Layer option.

Step 3 Enter the full URL to the KML file you uploaded. You can display multiple kml layers on google maps by inserting comma(,) separated kml urls.

How to include your KMl/Kmz file in your map Wpmapspro

Step 4 click Save map to allow the layer added to your map.

KML Map Display Wpmapspro

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