How to include Fusion Table layer in your map | WP Maps Pro

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How to include Fusion Table layer on Google Maps

Fusion Tables is a data management web application to gather, visualize, and share data tables. Follow the steps below to upload your own data to Fusion Tables and create a map!

Step 1 Click Create Fusion Table and follow all steps.(Use your CSV file)

Step 2 After follow all steps make sure that you copy Encrypted ID and table must be public.

Fusion Layer Encrypted ID Wpmapapro

Step 3 Go to Add or Edit Map and scroll down to ‘Layers Settings’ section.

Step 4 Enable ‘Fusion Table Layer’ tab and enter column name in ‘Fusion Select’ tab.

Step 5 Then Paste Encrypted id in ‘Fusion From’ tab.

How to include Fusion Table layer in your map Wpmapspro

Step 6 click on Save map.

Below is the map you’ll create using this tutorial.

Map Display Fusion Layer Wpmapspro

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