Filter Map Listing By ViewPort of Google Maps - WP Maps Pro

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Filter maps listing based on visible markers on current view port of Google Maps

With this Filter Map Listing By ViewPort extension, your site visitors can more quickly find the places / listing records just by zooming in more and more towards the supposed direction. Only displays those listing records whose markers are visible on google maps after zoom in / drag process, hides the rest of listing records whose markers are also out of the current viewport.

Please make sure you have installed the WP MAPS PRO plugin and Filter Map Listing By ViewPort extension into your website. In case you have not installed it yet. Please download these plugins and configure them first.

Filters Maps Listing Records Based On Visible Markers On Current ViewPort Of Map

Step 1 Please navigate to Add or Edit Map and scroll down to the “Filters Maps Listing By Viewport” section.

Step 2 Enable “Enable Viewport Filter” from the ‘Filters Maps Listing By Viewport’ given section.

Step 3 After this small process please click on the ‘Save‘ button.

Now refresh your frontend map page and drag the map to see the record only displays those listing records whose markers are visible on google maps after zoom in / drag process.



Please click here to view a working demo.

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