How WP Plugin for Google Maps can Increase your sales | Wpmapspro

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How WP Plugin for Google Maps can Increase your sales

wordpress google map plugin

[vc_row][vc_column][rt_dropcap_style dropcap_style=”two” dropcap_letter=”I” dropcap_content=”It may seem strange, but embedding Google Maps to your website can help to attract more customers. In what way? Mainly due to high usability and additional features it offers. But is it possible to improve them and make even more special? Yes! It’s a bonus for WordPress websites. You can make them unique, using plugins to add extra options. But let’s firstly find out why navigation services are helpful for your business.”][vc_custom_heading text=”How Google Maps can attract customers” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1574399048260{margin-top: 30px !important;}”][vc_column_text]When people search for shops or companies selling the goods they need, they often add a location to the request. Google shows a map with a few destinations along with usual links. And your company can be among them. What should you do for that?

There is a Google My Business tool. It helps to add the necessary information about your company to Maps. You’ll have to create an account there and fill in the fields like name, address, phone number, website, working hours, pictures, etc. People will see this data after clicking the marker on the map. This service also displays feedback from customers and gives an opportunity to call or write you and get directions.

No doubt, it’s a good way to attract customers. But the problem is that you can provide only limited information about your company. It won’t look different on the map and are likely get lost among other locations. Also, this tool can’t highlight all your subsidiaries and users may choose another seller if its location is more suitable. In addition, it’s not a proper solution for businesses that work with real estate or booking services. They can’t limit the displayed objects only to those they work with. How to solve this problem? Create your own map on the company’s website and use WP maps plugin to make it special![/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How WP maps plugin can help” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]What is a plugin and why do you need to use it? It’s a software component, literally a piece of code, that provides additional features. Standard functions may be limited and not enough to create all necessary options. This is when plugins come to aid. They provide extra opportunities and help to adjust the software to your needs. WP maps plugin, for example, has a great variety of features that improve working with maps. They can even increase your sales. How? Let’s find out.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Add descriptions to objects” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]You are more likely to buy from a seller that provides all necessary information about itself and its products. The same is with your potential customers: they want to know more about the company and products before giving you their money. You can describe them in detail on the website’s pages and add the most relevant information to the map. It’s extremely useful if there are a few outlets or subsidiaries, and they differ from each other.

This feature is also good for those who work with real estate, booking, cafes and restaurants, etc. They can place all these objects on the map and add descriptions. The users will be able to switch between them and compare the offers.

How to do it? WP maps plugin has a function of adding pictures and any kind of text to the markers. When users click on them, this information is displayed. And it’s not placed in random order. There are certain fields that contain different types of data and show it logically. Usually, it’s the name, address, a short description and contact details. But if the suggested categories are not enough, you can add the custom ones.

How does it help to increase sales? If users are ready to make a purchase, they see where to go or to call. The possibility to compare keeps clients from going to competitors because they don’t need to search for other variants. It saves their time and shows everything they need in one place.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Adjust the map for any device” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]More and more people use smartphones to search for information on the Internet. It’s again the idea of having everything in one place: data, call or chat with the seller, tickets, receipts or booking details and payments. But this chain of actions can break at the stage of getting information if it’s not adjusted to the mobile screen size. When there are plenty of offers, nobody will stay at the page with inconvenient interface.

WP maps plugin helps to make maps suitable for any device. You just enter the parameters of width and height, level of zoom and enable or disable scrolling and dragging. Due to this feature, customers and clients will be able to find necessary information on their smartphones and tablets without extra efforts. Why is it important? You can use portable devices anywhere and at any time. Those companies that respond to this demand and have mobile versions get more clients.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Let customers find you easily” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]You can describe and advertise goods or services in the best way, but if there is no online selling and people don’t know how to get to your shop, all the efforts will be in vain. Just imagine, how convenient it is to find a destination and the way to it in one place. Your clients won’t have to open the Google Maps application to get the directions and won’t switch to the offers of competitors.

With the WP maps plugin, users will be able to create routes and see the distance between any points. It allows seeing what object is closer to them. Moreover, there is a function of showing multiple itineraries and choosing the best way. The plugin also displays the amenities nearby and street views that will help to find the place of destination faster. In addition, users can track their current location and the map will be centered according to it.

Offering more opportunities always attracts customers. They will choose your website if it has more options. That’s why adding useful navigation functions contributes to the increase in orders and sales.

Google Maps is a useful service that makes our trips, shopping and leisure time better. But quite often its functions are standardized and don’t provide the options that we need. Plugins are the best solution in such cases. They help to adjust maps to the specificity of company’s activity, provide more opportunities to clients and boost sales.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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