Dynamic Single Post Location Display and Shortcode Parameters

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How to display a single post location dynamically using shortcode parameter

In our WP MAPS PRO Pro plugin, we can display a single location post dynamically on the map. We can create a single post location dynamically by using a shortcode parameter. This tutorial is to help you to display your single post location which is assigned via google maps metabox as the location on google maps.

Step 1 Please go to the ‘Add/Edit Post’ page, in the content area enter the map shortcode and insert this given parameter current_post_only=true in the map shortcode like as below given example image to display the meta box assigned a location on google maps.

Step 2 please scroll down to the ‘WP MAPS PRO’ meta box in this edit post page, select location from the given “Enter Location” textbox.

Step 3 After selecting the location please select the map from the ‘Select Map’ given option which you created recently for this post location.

Step 4 After this small process please save this post.

Please go to this post page and you will see the map is showing with the location which is assigned by Google Maps Metabox.


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