WordPress users on google map - WP Maps Pro

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WordPress Users on Google Maps

Premium plugin for displaying WordPress Registered Users on google maps

The WP MAPS PRO extension enables website administrators to locate users on Google Map of their sites, with the user information shown in the info window and also in a listing. Placeholders can be used to display any type of user info dynamically.

The WordPress Users Extension allows users on Google Map to display their networks in an aesthetically pleasing manner. This extension provides a great way to visualize your WordPress user data and make connections easier to see.

Site admin can also choose certain users roles from back-end to filter the users being displayed on the map otherwise all users will be displayed. The HTML message displayed in info-window and listing is manageable from back-end which works hand in hand with dynamic placeholders we’ve developed to display user information.

This extension is Advance Custom Fields plugin supported. Any custom fields created on user profile page with help of ACF plugin can be displayed in the info-window and listing message with help of dynamic placeholder. In the below example we’ve created Hobbies, Gender field on user profile page with help of ACF plugin and on the front-end we are displaying these values for each user easily. This extension can be setup within minutes and we’ve also created a step by step tutorial for this.

Now display your WordPress users on google map beautifully. This WP MAPS PRO extension has all the flexibility you can think of to implement.

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This plugin is a premium Extension of WP MAPS PRO plugin for WordPress. You'll get free updates & full support to use this plugin. We'll keep adding new features to it.

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