Advantages of Google Maps customization - WP Maps Pro

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Advantages of Google Maps customization

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Using maps is vital for websites that deal with locations. Modern technologies let companies make the user experience of their customers better. It’s pretty convenient to apply the features of Google Maps, but what if they are not enough for the specific activity of your business? There are a lot of plugins that offer improvements for websites with locations. Let’s see how they can help.  

Reasons to customize a Google map

Google Maps has a variety of options, but they are standardized and limited. If you just embed them to your website, you’ll be able to mark only one place there and adjust the zoom. Companies that work with cafes and restaurants, hotels, different destinations, tourist attractions, real estate or have a lot of subsidiaries need more features. WordPress plugins help to solve this problem providing additional opportunities for Google Maps customization.

More functions

Extra software gives more possibilities. Just imagine how convenient it would be to show directions to the place your customers need straight on your website. The effect will be increased by the function of tracking the current location. Another example is reading information about objects on the map. Clients won’t have to spend their time to find these details on different pages. It’s a benefit that keeps them on your website using the services or buying the goods that you provide.

Tailored to the needs

If your business has more than one location, Google Maps customization can help to arrange them. Apart from adding several marks, it’s possible to cluster them, add descriptions or adjust the size and a zoom level. If you work with many types of establishments, some plugins allow creating filters for a quick search. All these features will make your website as convenient for customers as possible. Clear and optimized map interface will help to spend just a few seconds to find what they need. This is what keeps clients loyal.


In the variety of similar websites and services, it’s important to stand out to be noticed. Google Maps customization helps to make them unique. The first thing that usually grabs our attention is design. That’s why there are plugins that offer to choose skins for Google Maps that will match the general website’s style. Extra features like drawing shapes, placing pictures or other objects will contribute to distinguishing it between competitors.

How WP maps plugin can help

It’s a multifunctional tool to make maps on your website more efficient. Providing a lot of options, it helps to tailor them to the specific activity of your business. Its benefit is in many features created just by one piece of code. That’s why you don’t need to buy extra software for more functions. These are three main directions in which our plugin provides Google Maps customization.

wordpress map customization

Adds navigation

Usually, it’s not enough to know where the object is located. You also need to find out how to get there. Especially if it’s a big city or a foreign country. WP maps plugin has a function of creation routes: users will have to enter the start and finish points. If there is more than one way, all options will be displayed. Help your customers not to get lost, adding tracking of their current locations. With the feature of showing directions and objects nearby, they will quickly find the needed place. 

Improves search

If you just embed Google Maps into the website, there will be a lot of unnecessary objects distracting attention. Our plugin has a function of filtering locations by different criteria. This way users will be able to search among the types of places they need and reduce the time spent on it. If you add well-structured descriptions to the markers, customers won’t have to use other websites to find out more about the objects.

Google Maps customization also helps to make the interface more convenient. The option of clustering groups locations when zooming out. It’s useful when clients need to see the overall picture rather than details. They will also be able to find locations within a certain area.

Adjusts the map

A lot of people use portable devices for surfing the Internet. That’s why it is important to optimize websites for smartphones and tablets. WP maps plugin allows setting parameters for different screen sizes, level of zooming, etc. You can also change the design of the map to make it suitable for the general style of the website. If it’s necessary to outline some areas, the plugin has the option of drawing shapes.

User experience becomes one of the most important factors for Internet resources. If it’s not convenient to use them, customers go to competitors. The range of features also matters: the more your website has them, the higher the chances that potential clients will choose it. Google Maps customization helps to make them user-friendly and provides more options. You can adjust the functions to the needs of customers and increase their loyalty. WP maps plugin is the best tool to do it. 

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