5 tips for professional Google Maps use - WP Maps Pro

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5 tips that will ensure a professional Google Maps use

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For companies that deal with multiple locations, maps are an essential part of their activity. To stay competitive, they add Google Maps service to their websites and provide customers with more opportunities. It helps to save their time and prevent from visiting competitors. You can read more about the benefits here. But what features make the map useful and how to add them? We’ll give the answers in this article.

Tips for a professional Google Maps use

The first and the most important rule for any map – it should be clear and contain all the necessary but not excessive information. Customers rarely use it just to explore some place or for fun. They usually have a goal and look for the shortest ways to reach it. If your website map helps users with this, they will stay loyal for a long time. This is how you can achieve it:

1. Set exact locations

Maps are usually used to find some place, especially if it’s an unfamiliar territory. That’s why the more exactly markers are set, the more efficient they will be. In long or corner buildings or the ones that have a complex shape, it’s even important to place them in the right part. As a rule, people go to the point that is mentioned on the map. Also, don’t forget to check if the address and coordinates are specified correctly. 

2. Add information about objects

Companies that developed professional Google Maps on their websites embed key details about the objects. Usually, they are pop-up windows. It helps customers to get all the necessary information in one place. They can quickly switch between locations comparing and analyzing them. To make this process fast and convenient, the data has to be well-structured. Thanks to this, users will know where to find the details they need.

3. Customize the size to different devices

More and more people search for information, make purchases and orders via portable devices. The reason is that they can do it anywhere and anytime. Having a lot of competitors, it’s crucial to respond to this need and customize websites to the screen size of smartphones and tablets. Otherwise, users will choose another company. 

4. Divide locations into groups

If you deal with many objects and they are not similar, e.g. shops, hotels, restaurants and museums, it’s better to cluster them. Those who have professional Google Maps set filters according to the type of location. Customers can choose the one that they need and don’t get nervous clicking the objects they don’t need. Another way is to group them when zooming out. If there are a lot of markers on the map, it’s hard to see it and analyze the whole picture. Clusters help to solve this problem gathering close objects to one point. 

5. Embed live navigation

GPS-systems intensify the interaction of users and maps. Make it happen on your website! The feature of tracking current location will help users to get to the places they need from any point. It will first find out where they are and show the directions to reach the destination. Professional Google Maps also display routes between two points on the map. They measure the distance, let customers analyze the options and choose the most suitable.

How to implement the tips

All these features may sound good, but how to get them? Simple embedding of code for a map won’t provide such opportunities. This is why we advise using the WP MAPS PRO plugin. It allows companies to add extra functions to the page with navigation. Here are the key possibilities:

Import/export locations

You’ll be able to add the exact coordinates of objects without finding out latitude & longitude – the plugin will do it itself. A user-friendly interface will make this process simple and clear. 

Multiple markers and clusters

Create professional Google Maps adding any number of locations. You’ll be able to group them when zooming out to provide a better look. The software allows choosing different settings to make clusters as convenient as possible.

Adjustment to the screen size

This feature helps to customize a map to a range of devices. You’ll just need to enter the width and height parameters for different screens. There is also an option to choose zoom levels. 

Info windows

Add necessary information about the objects on the map. Customers will see it just clicking on the marker. The plugin lets you create fields to arrange the details. You’ll also be able to apply a certain design to the posts.


Develop professional Google Maps adding a feature of showing multiple routes. It can be intensified by tracking current location. Another available function is a search for nearby places. They will let customers find the right direction in real time straight on your website.


For many companies using maps is an important part of their activity. They bring a lot of benefits to users and help to reduce the time spent on getting to the destination. Advanced features like info windows, multiple routes, location tracking, clustering, etc. will make this process faster and more convenient. Don’t lose the opportunity to attract and keep customers – order the WP MAPS PRO plugin here.

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